Motion to the board
Under the constitution, 20 members of the Hospital can submit a request to the board and compel them to hold a public meeting.
We propose to ask them to release the correspondence and documentation relating to the proposal to gift property to Kalyra.
We believe that instead of working with members who disagree, they have lied and coordinated a misinformation campaign to get what they want. We are extremely confident that the evidence supports not only the deception (most of it is obvious) but also the collusion and intent to deceive or at least control information to achieve a specific objective, which is against the objectives of the hospital.
The text of the motion is below. You can propose an amendment if you like or even get 20 of your own friends together to propose something else entirely.
The members of McLaren Vale & Districts War Memorial Hospital Incorporated ("the Hospital") call on the Board to release all correspondence and documents related to the proposal to gift property to Kalyra. This includes all communications between Kalyra, Wellbeing Clinic, the Board members, staff, and the State Government of South Australia from January 2022 onwards. It also covers details of the merger vote, financial arrangements, legal advice, and communications involving Henry Davis and his legal representation.
The members have given due consideration to the commercial dealings between the parties and acknowledges the preference for those dealings to remain confidential. However, the members believe that it is in the best interests of the community to release all information without redaction. The members are the owners of the hospital, and the Board serves at the request of the members. Any tenant or related party involved in these dealings was aware that they were contracting with a membership organization and should have no expectation of the ability to keep these dealings confidential. Transparency and accountability to the membership are paramount.
All information will be made available in both electronic and printed form for any member of the public to access.